On behalf of Taiwan Biobank, we have the honor and pleasure to invite you to participate in this Symposium.
2015 marks the tenth anniversary of the Taiwan Biobank. Biobank project however involves many hidden challenges to promote
people’s health. Though Ethical Governance Council has been established to help ensure the ethicality of research and study,
how to properly and prophetically guard participants’ welfares and privacy in addition to catalyzing scientific breakthrough
remains to be tackled and debated.
In addition to current status of the Taiwan Biobank and its governance, international speakers from several countries where
biobanking and its governance have been implemented will also report the situation in their countries. |
Tentative programs |

09:00 –09:20 |
(moderator: Prof. Michael Tai)
Opening and Welcome remark
Prof. Chien-Jen Chen, vice president, Academia Sinica
Prof. Tzou-Yien Lin, deputy minister, Ministry of Health and Welfare
Prof. Fu-Tong Liu, Director, Taiwan Biobank
Prof. Ding-Shinn Chen, Chairperson, EGC
09:00 –09:30 |
Photo session
09:30 –10:00 |
Topics TBA
Prof. Tsung-Hsi Wang, Director, Department of Medical Affairs,
Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan
10:00-10:20 |
Coffee break
10:20-11:00 |
The Mission and Work of Taiwan Biobank
Prof. Chen-Yang Shen, Executive director, Taiwan Biobank
11:00-11:50 |
(moderator: Prof. Chi-Rong Chen)
The Ethical Governance of UK Biobank
Prof. Roger Brownsword, Chair, UK Biobank EGC
12:00-13:30 |
13:30 –14:20
(moderator: Prof. Awi Mona)
The role and activities of the UK Biobank Ethics and Governance Council
Ms. Adrienne Hunt, executive secretary, UK Biobank EGC
14:20 –15:10 |
(moderator: Prof. Mei-Shu Lai)
An Emerging Ethical Issue in Biobanking: Maximizing Social Value by Ensuring Effective Utilization of Biobanks
Prof. Marianna Bledsoe
Professor, George Washington University, USA
Chair, the International Society for Biological and Envnmental
Repositories Science Policy Committee
15:10 – 15:30 |
Coffee break
15:30 – 16:20 |
Biobank and Biobanking in Japan, Our Experience
Prof. Tohru Masui
Center for Medical Genetics, Keio University, Japan
16:20 –16:50 |
The EGC framework and Mission of Taiwan EGC
Prof. Ding-Shinn Chen, chair of Taiwan Biobank EGC
16:50–17:50 |
(moderator: Prof. Mei-Chih Huang)
The problems of biobanking we face in Taiwan’s ethical governance
Prof. Chi-Rong Chen, member, Taiwan Biobank EGC
In pursuit of Social Legitimacy of Biobanking
Prof. Michael Tai. Taiwan EGC member

09:00 –09:50
(moderator: Prof. Chien-Te Fan)
Biobanking and the West African
Ebola Crisis: Ethical and Governance Issues
Prof. Michael Selgelid
Director, World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Bioethics, Monash University, Australia
09:50 –10:40 |
Realizing Benefit by Maximizing Collaboration: The Imperative of Responsible Data Sharing in Biobanks
Ma’n Zawati
Centre of Genomics and Policy – McGill University, Canada
10:40 – 11:00 |
Coffee break
11:00 – 11:50 |
Panel discussion
(moderator: Prof. Hung-Chih Kuo, executive director, IRB, Academia Sinica)
1. |
The issues of harmonization and process of the informed consent in general biomedical and biobanking
research . |
2. |
The issues of collaboration and competition between national biobank project and participating medical
centers and also, among IRBS. |
3. |
The issue of how to enhance the function of ELSI subcommittee within EGC. |
Prof. Michael Tai
Prof. Seng-Jang Fan
Prof. Chen-Yang Shen
Prof. Chien-Te Fan
Prof. Awi Mona
11:50 – 12:20 |
Plenary discussion comments from foreign speakers
12:20 –12:30 |
Closing (Prof. Ding-Shinn Chen)
